World Builder Pricing

Your Worlds, Dream Bigger

Start for free to begin shaping your world now, then go premium when you're for ready for more.



The perfect plan if you're just getting started with our product.

  • Unlimited articles
  • Unlimited worlds
  • Ad free
  • Publicly share your worlds
  • AI image generation (2 / day)
Go to World Builder


$5 /month

More storage and more interactions with Dan.

  • Unlimited articles
  • Unlimited worlds
  • Ad free
  • Publicly share your worlds
  • 10x storage for content and art (100 MB total)
  • 10x Dan chats (100 / day)
  • Reroll Daily Prompts
  • AI image generation (10 / day)
Buy Now $5.00/mo

You can also save $10 with annual billing! Only $50 / year!

Your Story Starts Here

A world building tool built by indie game developers for indie game developers. Craft your universe and build a universe that engages players.

Unlimited Articles
As many or as few pages as you need to track the people, places, locations, factions, and events in your world.
Create a mood board for your world, attach maps to locations, add portraits for your characters, and so much more.
Easy to Share
Get public and permanent links to easily share your world and any contents within it.
Stay Organized
Your articles are automatically grouped by type and presented well. Further organize them with infinitely nestable folders.
Avoid Spoilers
Protect sensitive content in your world with spoiler warnings to guide readers in the right order.
Dan G. Masters
Rely on Dan, your world building chat assistant, to get ideas for content to include in your stories.