Aurora TD Update!

The Final Parsec team has made a released a new version of Aurora Tower Defense and they're making a blog post to brag about it.

Our latest release of Aurora Tower Defense (v1.2) has just been published for Android devices.

We've made some great improvements and lowered the price to $1.49!

A high score board to compete with other players.

Submit your score when you have finally survived the onslaught of evil spirits. We'll rank you so you can boast to your friends about how cool you are when you make it to #1. Separate leaderboards are available based on how you play the game and they'll be available to view on our website soon!

An improved interface for tutorials.

The first step in a concerted effort to update the game and use Unity's new UI system. We have added a bit of interactivity and accommodation for differing screen sizes.

As always, we still have a free version of the game available to play in your desktop web browser.
Just head over to the Aurora TD game page to play!

We have some great plans in the works for future enhancements to Aurora Tower Defense. You can expect a whole new UI and ability to control the speed of the game soon. Keep trying to fight back enemies and we'll keep pumping out more exciting updates for you guys.

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